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Always at Your Service

Q. Are Snakes Territorial?

A. Pythons and snakes aren’t territorial. Snakes live within what we refer to as a home range meaning they move around within an area of up to a few kilometers squared (depending on the species & size) which they have several sites for food and shelter. A snake will only stick around if you have suitable habitat, shelter and a good food source; If any of these do not sustain the snake’s requirements they will leave in search of a better location.

Q. Do Snake repellers work?

A. No they do not, the best deterrent for snakes is to have a nice clean open yard free of rubbish piles, timber piles and rodents.


Q. Can Pythons and Venomous Snakes interbreed?

A. No 

Q. Can Snakes outrun people?

A. No

Q. Do Sea Snakes beach themselves on purpose, and can they get back out?

A. Sea snakes don’t naturally like to leave the safety of the ocean; they do not beach themselves to shed or bask, when their beached like this it’s usually a sign urgent assistance is needed, due to the snake being injured, ill or exhausted. The likelihood of it returning the ocean is very slim without assistance; keeping in mind majority of sea snakes are highly venomous and need to be treated with caution. If you ever come across a beached sea snake please call us or your local snake catcher/rescue group.

Q. Can Venomous Snakes Climb?

A. Yes.

Q. Do Snakes and Reptiles Hibernate in Australia? 

A. It’s a common misunderstanding that our reptiles hibernate, this is not the case our reptiles go into a semi-hibernate state known as brumation.

Simply put reptiles will eat, drink and defecate less and will become less active during the colder days, but they may become active again on the warmer days before returning to dormancy

Q. If i find a baby snake, will the parents or more be around?

A. No, snakes approximately have between 3 and 40 young.

After birth or hatching the young disperse in all different directions and do not remain together, although possible its unlikely you will find two or more travelling together. Snakes have long been thought to be solitary hunters and eaters.

Q. Do Snakes chase people?

A. No, some species will lunge forward in defense if threatened or cornered.

Brigalow Scaly-foot(Paradelma orientalis)
Golden Spiny-tailed Gecko(Strophurus taenicauda)
Wide-mouthed Frog(Cyclorana novaehollandiae)
Tawny Frogmouth(Podargus strigoides)
Emu nest
Owlet-nightjar(Aegotheles cristatus)
Krefft's Glider(Petauridae notatus)
Wood Duck nest

Legislative Requirements and Conditions of Wildlife Authority

It is against the law to intentionally trap, harm, torture, neglect and kill native species, heavy fines and possible jail time can be issued, if you would like any native animal relocated contact us to discuss your options. 

DMS01 (S) Any animal suffering from an injury or sickness that prevents its same day release and where the DMP permit holder holds another licence that enables the keeping of the same species, the holder must deliver the animals to a veterinarian or another licensed wildlife carer within 72 hours of capture for assessment and rehabilitation.
DMS02 (S) The permit holder must notify EHP within 24hrs of taking possession of an animal that cannot be identified by the permit holder.
DMS03 (S) If this permit is for reptiles: 1. Taking of reptiles must be carried out in a humane manner and in such a way as to inflict no injury to the reptile. 2. Reptiles must be released the same day as capture in suitable habitat, as close as possible to the place of capture, having appropriate regard for public safety 3. This permit does not authorise the indiscriminate taking of reptiles but only those reptiles requested to be moved by the occupier of the premises.

DMS05 (S) If this permit is for possums: 1. The taking of possums must be by live trapping in a humane manner. 2. The entry and exit points must be identified prior to trapping and must be secured to prevent re-entry. 3. The possum must be released no more than 25 metres from the point of capture and at first available time after the next nightfall.
DMS06 (S) If this permit is for brush turkeys: 1. The taking of brush-turkeys shall be by live trapping in a humane manner. 2. Brush-turkeys shall be released into suitable habitat within three hours after capture and only if it is daylight.

Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

DMP - WA0062413

ABN 46 640 294 485

Our Disclaimer; All prices and services subject to changes an additional fees(i.e Administration, mobile efptos fee)

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